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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stadtfeld

When You're Married To A Weirdo

As I have spoken about in previous posts, Ryan is a fun, goofy, weirdo of a guy. He is not afraid to be himself in ever scenario and it is one of the reasons I love him. He truly does not care what people think and even though some people might give us funny looks when we are being goofy together, I wouldn't have it any other way. We are 23 and 26 years old, spouses, homeowners, professionals, and soon to be parents, but most importantly, we are still kids at heart.

Today was a snow day for Ryan. Anywhere from 1-8 inches were expected to fall beginning this morning and into the evening. Last night he came into the living room with a smile on his face a glimmer in his eyes and gave me a double high five. "No school," he exclaimed with a little jump, so today was nice.

Naturally with the snow falling outside a forecast promising below 0 temperatures for the next 3 days to come, we decided to brave the weather in search of ice cream. As one does when there's 6 inches of snow on the ground, with more still coming from the sky and the temperature plummeting toward -40.

So we arrive at Kroger, make our way inside and head directly to the ice cream. 5 Dollars is our budget (and trust me agreeing on one flavor would be insane for us, but we were up for the challenge! Once we got there we were happy to find a 3 for 5 sale on pints meaning we could each pick a flavor and then find one to agree on, which is entirely more doable for us. Anyways, while making our selections the song "Everybody Dance Now" blessed our ears and as the song demands, we both burst into dance. We both danced in the asile for a minute or so while making our final ice cream selections before heading to the check out. On the way to the register Ryan continued to dance (trust me when I say, this is SUPER normal behavior for him lol). As we got closer to the checkout an older woman approached us. She looked at me, noticed I was pregnant, watched Ryan then laughed and said, "oh, your baby's going to have fun with him!"

And what can I say other than after all this time, I know so well what a goofy and amazing dad Ryan will make. Even if she goes through a period of time around ages 11-18 when she is entirely too cool for us!

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