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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stadtfeld

Entering The World Of Mommy Bloggers

I hate to have my first post here be some cheesy introduction post where I tell you about my life, how I got to where I am and where I'm planning to go, but it's the only way I can think to begin.

I am a 23-year-old free spirit named Hannah. I live in Michigan with my weirdo husband, Ryan. I'm a writer, doula and soon to be mother. Ryan is a high school math teacher (see, ew math, I told you he was weird). We eloped in Hell, Michigan this past September (it was a long overdue affair) and celebrated at TGI Fridays with 4 of our closest friends..

Our little bundle of joy ironically came about just over a month after I received an official diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). After spending 11 years trying to figure out why my cycle was so insane and worrying that I would be unable to have kids, I was very suddenly blessed with two things: a diagnosis and a baby! All I can say is that it was ironic as hell! But very much appreciated!

Our little girl will be making her entrance into this world sometime in late January or early February. We are currently planning a home birth and so long as things continue to progress normally, we will be excited to not have to set foot in a hospital!

Now, as far as this blog goes, I have blogged before. I was pretty regular about it for a while when I was a sophomore in college. I am hoping to make this more of a long term thing though. I am not sure if that will mean uploading once a week, every other day, more frequently or less frequently, but we will see how this goes and I hope someone enjoys!

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