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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stadtfeld

Awaiting The Arrival

I am somewhere between 37 and 38 weeks today and I can't believe we are basically at the end of this journey. Our little bundle of joy could arrive any day now, and we are eagerly anticipating her arrival! A few things have happened since I have been away though, so let me update you!

I lost my mucas plug!

I don't think I mentioned it in my last post but sometime slightly before Christmas I lost my mucas plug. Which was stressful, but could really have meant anything. My midwife said it could mean our little girl was coming very soon, or it could regenerate and she could still be weeks away. Our goal at that point was to just make it to January 3rd, that way we could still have our home birth! It was a very odd few weeks, feeling like the birth could be so imminente, but also like it could still be very far away, and there was not really anything we could do to slow things down or even speed them up. It was just a game of wait and see. Luckily though today is January 17th, so we have made it well beyond the 3rd and should be able to have our home birth so long as things continue to go well!

I have stopped working.

Yesterday was actually my first official day of maternity leave. I had been planning to work up until the day she arrived, but I ended up calling it a bit earlier than expected due to some unforeseen circumstances. And by that I mean my teeny tiny bladder.

So here's what happened: a few weeks ago my midwife really started to highlight the importance of drinking enough water, and for me she says that means 60 to 90 oz A DAY. Not every other day, not just one day a week, EVERY DAY. To put that in perspective, a 2 liter is 60 oz and I am supposed to be drinking more than that!

As many of you probably already know, I am a substitute teacher at the same high school Ryan teaches at. Subbing was going fine until day before yesterday. I had started drinking my water when about 9:30 rolled around and I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom. I checked the schedule and to my unfortunate surprise, lunch (i.e., my next opportunity to use the bathroom) was not until 11. So I sat there thinking I would be able to make it, that was until a swift kick to the bladder caused me to pee my pants right there in front of the class. Luckily, it was not a ton of pee, just enough to be uncomfortable and the students were busy working on their group projects so no one seemed to notice.When I walked out the doors of the school early that day to go change my pants, I knew that was probably a sign that it was time to bid working goodbye.

I had my baby shower!

My baby shower was on January 6th and wow was it a whirl wind! I figured the day would fly by, but wow it's not really something you can truly understand until you experience it. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful gifts my guests gave and to my mom, brothers girlfriend, and grandmas for organizing it for me. Man was it overwhelming though! I have never had so many gifts in my life and there were people that I had not saw in a long time that I wish I could have spent more time talking to. In order to combat just sitting in front of everyone and opening gifts the whole time, I decided to go table to table and open gifts with those who were at the table and move around, that way I could be able to talk to everyone at the shower. While it was so overwhelming and some of the people at my shower did not really like it being done that way because they didn't see me open ALL of the gifts, I am so glad that I did it that way because I was able to spend a little bit of time with everyone. If you are planning a shower though I urge you to make it a little bit longer and truly take the first hour or so (however long you would like) visiting with guests and really just taking it all in. I was not even able to eat until the end and there were so many little details that I did not even see, I will probably make an entire post on tips for your shower though.

I organized the nursery.

Ryan painted it, put together the crib, and my glider, my Dad brought and put together the changing table that they used for my brother and I and I cleaned the clothes, organized them and did the decorating. The theme is bohemian llamas (though it ended up being a bit less bohemian than I had intended and a lot more llama haha!) I will be making an entire post about her nursery though because I am so in love with it, so be on the lookout for that!

Other than those things though Ryan and I both have really just been awaiting her arrival. Sleeping has gotten super hard, the nerves come and go, but the days keep going by SO quickly. It is so hard to believe that she will be here very very soon! We are beyond excited!

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