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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stadtfeld

30 Week Pregnancy Update

Woo! 30 weeks this is actually coming along quite quickly and i am VERY happy about that. I am actually 31 weeks and 3 days today, but I wanted to wait to post my 30 week pregnancy update until I had been through the whole 30th week.

So, firstly, unfortunately I did not have my first week without throwing up. Boo. I ended up throwing up at least twice this week and was nauseous throughout the day on one of those days. So that sucked, but I'm still throwing up significantly less than I was, so I will not complain about that too much.

The biggest thing that happened this week was my gestational diabetes test. And, as you know if you read my 29 week update, I was VERY nervous for it. To say it quickly, it went well, but it was quite a process. My midwife gave me the option of going and getting my glucose test done through a blood draw (the way most people do it) or I could do it at home by poking my finger. So over the course of 3 days during week 30 I tested my blood 4 times a day, once right after waking up and then after each meal. There was a bit of a learning curve (you really have to jab that needle in there!) but once I got it down it was easy. I went with the at home test because for me, testing at home was just easier and less stressful than going to the hospital for a full blood draw. I have really small veins, so anytime in the past that I have gotten my blood drawn they always have to poke me multiple times before they are able to find a vein. So for me, I was happy to have the option of doing it at home. I am also happy to say that I passed! If anyone though wants to know more details of how I did my testing at home, then comment down below and I would be happy to do a blog post just about that.

One of the things though that I also had to do in addition to poking my finger was that I had to keep a food journal for the days that I was testing, that way, if I had a high reading, my midwife would be able to tell if it was because of my diet. Now, before I say this next part I want to preface it with the fact that I absolutely adore my midwife. She is amazing, I knew her before I got pregnant and I absolutely love her. She did say though that she would really like to see me eating more and that stresses me out. I have been measuring a week behind (as is our little girl) ever since we started taking measurements and I have gained back less than 10 pounds of the 20 I lost in the beginning. I know I need to eat is just so hard for me though, eating even the smallest thing makes me feel so full and I am just having a really hard time with food.

In lighter news I finally got my first legitimate craving (even if I was not able to eat a ton)! For almost 2 days straight I felt like I was going to die if I did not get a Little Ceasar's Hot and Ready pizza. It was so strange, because normally I am a bit of a pizza snob and I will tell anyone that Hot and Ready's are trash, but for whatever reason I just had a DEEP need for a hot and ready. So I indulged and got it after the craving plagued me for two days. Also side note: Ryan forgot to put my left over pizza away after saying he would, so it just sadly sat on our counter for the next day. After watching me sadly look at the pizza all day, he ended up feeling really bad and got me another one!

A lot of the other symptoms I have been experiencing are the same as the ones from week 29. My hiccups have definitely not gotten any better (and MAN are they annoying), I am still having a lot of back pain, but I think that will just be going on for the rest of my pregnancy. Her movement though is getting so crazy! She is moving all of the time and her kicks are so hard! It feels like she is trying to bust out of there! Oh and it looks like my belly button is going to poke out soon, which I think is adorably funny.

In terms of emotions I have been feeling pretty good. We got the crib and her Moses basket in the mail this week, so both of those things are exciting. We have not set the crib up yet though because we still have to paint the nursery (I know were slacking). I'm sure we will paint the nursery though in the coming week and then really start setting things up in there. I have still been feeling pretty good though, I had a few days where I was feeling anxious, but for the most part I would say I am doing exceptionally well.

That is really was my 30th week though. Not too many huge developments other than the Gestational Diabetes test. So if anyone has any questions or is pregnant and wants to talk about their experiences and relate and all that jazz, comment down below! I would love to hear from other pregnant women! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed!

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