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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stadtfeld

29 Week Pregnancy Update

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

Okay, I have some big news so, drum roll please……………………………………………………………………………………….

This week, has the potential to be the first full week since I have gotten pregnant that I have not thrown up!!!!! *the crowd in my head goes wild* Now let me explain, last week I only threw up once or twice and I had a few times where I felt nauseas, BUT that didn’t mean I was going to throw up. So, Sunday I didn’t throw up, yesterday I didn’t throw up, and today (Tuesday) thus far, I have not. We are making progress!!

I’m pretty sure that 29 weeks means little girl and I have officially made I it to the 3rd trimester. The home stretch! We have an appointment with our midwife tonight so we will be able to hear her heartbeat and check up on her and then from this point I am pretty sure I will be seeing my midwife once every 2 or 3 weeks.

In terms of symptoms, I’m feeling pretty good (given, anything seems better than those first 4 or 5 months) but here are some of the symptoms I have been experiencing:

Back Pain- I have been feeling a lot of back, shoulder and hip pain which sucks. I have scoliosis from a pole-vaulting injury back when I was in high school, so I always figured my back would not feel very good through pregnancy. It is tolerable though and laying on my side with a pillow between my knees is helpful.

Hiccups- I have been getting the hiccups all the time. It has been happening since the very beginning of my pregnancy, but I have NOT grown used to it. As Ryan will attest, I absolutely hate the hiccups.

Pregnancy Brain- Again, another symptom that has been plaguing me for quite some time. Pregnancy brain is SO real though. There are moments where I get so frustrated because I feel like I can’t get through a sentence without forgetting what I was going to say and when I do say things, I say them in the weirdest way! Case and point, a few nights ago I decided to make Ryan and I a homemade pizza for dinner (yes, dough from scratch and all) and while trying to describe to him what point the pizza was at in the cooking process I told him, “I just have to decorate the pizza and then it will go in the oven.”

Cravings- No real cravings to really report here…I guess sweet things are sounding good, but when does chocolate cake and ice cream NOT sound good. I feel like I have had a weird relationship with cravings throughout this pregnancy because I never know if I want a food quite bad enough to consider it a REAL pregnancy craving.

Emotions- Mostly this week I have just been feeling excited and for multiple reasons. I have felt really excited from the very beginning for her to come, but my excitement to no longer be pregnant started out small, but just continues to grow exponentially as I get more and more pregnant.

I’m feeling nervous for my Gestational Diabetes test though. At my appointment tonight my midwife is bringing a kit so that I can poke my finger after each meal one day and test right at home instead of having to go into the doctor. I am antsy though for a few reasons, 1) I have not eaten very great during this pregnancy, between my normal picky eating and then horrible food aversions on top of that, I know my diet has not been great. 2) I have a family history of Diabetes, my Grandma is diabetic and takes insulin before every meal and my aunt has low blood sugar. 3) I have PCOS, so while I am not considered prediabetic, I do have low insulin levels and people with PCOS are at a higher risk of developing Gestational Diabetes. I have not had any of the symptoms of Gestational Diabetes and my baby has actually been measuring a bit small. Obviously, as you already know if you read my post about HG, I have not gained much weight at all. I don’t have headaches and I don’t have any swelling in my feet, hands, face, or anywhere else. I have heard though that about 50% of women do not show symptoms are appear healthy…so I am really really nervous.

I would say that is basically it though for this pregnancy update. I think I am going to try and do them every week now…but hey who knows, we will see. I hope you guys enjoyed!

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